Comic and fic exploring Monomon and Lurien's relationship as they go through the Dreamer plan. The comic [strained relations (i'll be with you til the end)] is from Lurien's point of view and the fic [strained relations (and i'll bring about the end)] is from Monomon's point of view.
strained relations
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Lurien the Watcher & Monomon the Teacher (Hollow Knight)
Characters: Lurien the Watcher (Hollow Knight), Monomon the Teacher (Hollow Knight)
This world is ending.
Fandom: Hollow Knight
Word Count: 2762 words
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Lurien the Watcher & Monomon the Teacher (Hollow Knight)
Characters: Monomon the Teacher (Hollow Knight), Lurien the Watcher (Hollow Knight)
This fic has an audio fanfic by sector-z-knd! (link)
“It could fail,” Monomon says urgently. “You could be giving your life for nothing.” Lurien simply stares at her, hands clasped in front of him.
“I trust you.”
As the weight of the words sinks in, Monomon wonders, briefly, if this is how it feels to drown.