zoom meeting
Drawing of Hollow Knight characters in a zoom meeting wearing modern era human clothes. Lurien is the speaker, he is looking down at some papers in his right hand while gesturing with a pen with his left. He is wearing a shawl over a plain white pajama top that could pass for a shirt. Thumbnails of Herrah, the Soul Master (who has his microphone and camera turned off), and the Pale King (with only his horns visible through the camera) are on the top of the screen. In front of the laptop showing the zoom meeting, one of Monomon's tentacles is texting on a smartphone.
people commented on my last comic that lurien would be the kind of person to show up to zoom meetings in pajamas.


(Phone messages)
Monomon: He's wearing fkn pajamas.
Herrah: no way
Monomon: He is too.

Comic page 1. Monomon and Herrah crown in on Lurien. Monomon shoves a smartphone showing a screenshot of the zoom meeting from the previous image into Lurien's face while Herrah laughs in the background.
Comic page 2. Lurien wordlessly looks down at the phone, then lifts his head to look Monomon in the eyes. Monomon slams her tentacle down on the table while Lurien ignores her in favor of sipping his tea. Herrah groans.


Monomon: So! We have a bet going on.
Lurien: ...
Herrah: Yes, it has to do with you.
Monomon: Were you wearing pajamas at the last zoom meeting? (I know you were; fess up.)
Herrah: lol

Lurien: ...
Lurien: Wouldn't you like to know.
Monomon: LURIEN
Herrah: Oh, come on.

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